On Ash Wednesday in Church, we were delighted to welcome the children from Holy Souls Primary and Archbishop Ilsley Secondary as well as so many parishioners and families to Mass as we began together the season of Lent. As we received the Ashes on our head we heard the words 'repent and believe in the gospel' or ' remember you are dust and unto dust, you shall return'. We pray this Lent for renewal of commitment to the Lord and return to Mass on a Sunday now that restrictions have been lifted. While there's still no obligation to come to Mass, the Lord nonetheless calls us back to him, not on account of what someone tells us to do, rather as an obligation of the heart, an act of love, a desire to receive the fullness of God's love in the sacrifice of the Mass. Below; Lent message to Catholics from Pope Francis and video from Cardinal Nichols: Comments are closed.
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June 2024