"Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
and before you were born I consecrated you"
(Jeremiah 1:5)
and before you were born I consecrated you"
(Jeremiah 1:5)
We are not mere results of a chance, wondering purposelessly through this mortal life. We are all born for a reason - God has a plan for each one us. However insignificant we might think we are in this vast and mysterious universe, God has already cherished us in His heart from before our mothers even knew that we were ‘on the way’.
However different we all are and however unique the plan God set out for us might be, we all share in one single calling - to be holy. What is holiness then? Holiness isn’t something reserved for a select few. It is something for all of us. We are all called to be saints. To be saints is to love. It is to love God and to love our neighbour. In other words, it is to be a follower of Jesus. It is to live as an active member of the Body of Christ, the Church. This is the path to true happiness.
Holiness most definitely isn’t about being plaster saints. Each one of us is different so our paths to holiness differ greatly. God knows us better than we can ever know ourselves and so he prepares a path that is, so to speak, tailor-made for us. The Church recognises four most basic vocations in the life of a Christian: marriage, single life, religious life and priesthood.
However different we all are and however unique the plan God set out for us might be, we all share in one single calling - to be holy. What is holiness then? Holiness isn’t something reserved for a select few. It is something for all of us. We are all called to be saints. To be saints is to love. It is to love God and to love our neighbour. In other words, it is to be a follower of Jesus. It is to live as an active member of the Body of Christ, the Church. This is the path to true happiness.
Holiness most definitely isn’t about being plaster saints. Each one of us is different so our paths to holiness differ greatly. God knows us better than we can ever know ourselves and so he prepares a path that is, so to speak, tailor-made for us. The Church recognises four most basic vocations in the life of a Christian: marriage, single life, religious life and priesthood.
Yet, even within these four basic callings, God leads us in different directions. One person might be called to marry very early in their life, another might be called to get married later on. One might be called to be a doctor, another to be a teacher. One might be called to a very active religious order, working e.g. with the poor, another might be called to a quiet religious life dedicated to prayer.
Whatever we are called to we first need to discover what this calling actually is. It is important that we spend some time in prayer each day and ask God for guidance. It is also essential to consider different possibilities and not to take things for granted. When we stop and think about what attracts us and what we are good at, who knows what we might, with the help of God, discover!
Whatever we are called to we first need to discover what this calling actually is. It is important that we spend some time in prayer each day and ask God for guidance. It is also essential to consider different possibilities and not to take things for granted. When we stop and think about what attracts us and what we are good at, who knows what we might, with the help of God, discover!
More information on vocations
For more information about vocations check out the National Office for Vocations website. Also have a look at our Diocesan Vocation Office website. If you want help and guidance with discerning what God is calling you to be in life you are very welcome to get in touch with one of our priests.