Advent is Coming! - The Church’s New Year begins this weekend with the Season of Advent. Walk With Me booklets are available so take one. On Tuesday & Saturday mornings in Advent we will celebrate our early morning Rorate Masses by candlelight at 7am followed by breakfast in the Meeting Room. There will be Evening Prayer and Benediction 2nd & 4th Sundays in Advent at 5pm.
Tea & Toast - Our young altar servers and their families are providing tea & toast in the Parish Meeting Room after the 8.30am Mass throughout the Season of Advent. Serving refreshments and mince pies after the early morning Mass. Please do support them. In supporting those in great need our SVP is creating a food bank box at the back of the church. Please can you donate tinned and packet food please anything that in non- perishable and please be in date. These can be distributed to those in need particularly with Christmas ahead.
We are delighted and excited to tell you that Children’s Liturgy begins again Sunday 27th November at the 10am Mass.
Designed for our primary school children. It's a great way for them to engage in the Liturgy of the Word at Mass. Please encourage your child / grandchild to take part. Children's Liturgy at Holy Souls |
Parish News & Events Archive
June 2024