Palm Sunday
Blessing of Palms. Palms will be distributed before all Masses and simple procession of palms at 12 noon Mass. Evening Prayer & Benediction at 5pm. Monday of Holy Week 3rd April Stations at 9.30am & Mass 10am Parish Penitential Service at 6.30pm Tuesday of Holy Week 4th April Stations at 9.30am, Mass at 10am Wednesday of Holy Week 5th April Stations at 8.30am, Mass at 9.00am Holy Thursday 6th April Morning Prayer at 10am The Easter Tritium begins Holy Thursday 6th April Mass the Lord’s Supper at 7.30pm with watching at the altar of repose until midnight. Good Friday 7th April Office of Readings & Morning Prayer 10am, Walk of Witness from Acocks Green Methodist Church 12 noon Solemn Liturgy of the Passion and Death of the Lord 3pm. Stations of the Cross 7pm Holy Saturday 8th April Office of Readings & Morning Prayer 10am The Easter Vigil and First Mass of Easter 8pm. Easter Sunday 9th April Masses at normal times 8.30am, 10am, 12 noon. BEING A WELCOMING CHURCH - Following the presentation last weekend by Fionnuala Hegarty, the first of the Fr Hudson’s Care zoom presentations is on Monday evening 20th March, 7.30 -8.30 p.m. If you are interested in how parishes can support older people and those who experience dementia please take part. It has been prepared by Father Hudson’s Care working with a number of local parish groups. The session is free. Please sign up at
There will also be an opportunity to meet together in the Parish Meeting Room to watch and be part of the presentation. Refreshments available from 7.15pm ready for 7.30pm start. ![]()
Please pray for all those people, young and old, men and women, families, those who are alone, those who are vulnerable and who search and long to reach our country. That they may do so safely and be assisted to do so in a rightful, humane and dignified manner becoming of the gospel message, love my neighbour.
Let us pray: Lord Jesus, right now in our heart and within our means we are called to welcome the members of God's family who come to our country to escape oppression, poverty, persecution, violence, and war. Like your beloved disciples, we too are weak and filled with fear and doubt and even suspicion. We build barriers in our hearts and in our minds. May our hearts not be hardened to the plight of those who need help, especially those we define as migrants and refugees. May we love them, embracing there need and have the courage to remind others of our common God-given dignity and of the stories, the faces, the lives affected and taken advantage of by this situation. Lord Jesus, Holy Mary, and St Joseph, as the Holy Family of Nazareth crossed borders may we too intercede for those who cross borders seeking shelter and safety. Holy Family pray for them and for our hearts to be softened to help spread the message of welcome to migrants and refugees. Through Jesus Christ, your Son. Amen. PARISH ST. VINCENT DE PAUL SOCIETY (SVP)
NEED A VISIT? Are you elderly or housebound? Do you need or you know of someone who is need of a visit? We can reach out to people & families in need. FOOD BANK: Donations of non-perishable foods in the box in the porch. ENQUIRIES: 07983160730 Find out more on the SVP parish page. |
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June 2024