Can I become a Catholic? Is it possible to learn more about the Faith?
Our Journey in Faith group supports adults as they seek to respond more deeply to God's call in their life and to enter into the Communion of the Catholic Church. We meet in a very informal setting and there is absolutely no pressure put on anyone to convert until they are fully ready and feel they have been prepared. We also welcome baptised Catholic adults wishing to be confirmed.
Interested in the Catholic Faith? Please come and speak to one of the priests before attending. You will find more information on the process of becoming a Catholic over here.
June 2021
Journey in Faith - Sadly, for the second year running, we have been unable to baptise or receive adults into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. With restrictions beginning to lift we intend to begin a programme of enquiry and preparation for anyone interested in the Catholic Faith and those who may be seeking Baptism or reception into full communion with the Catholic Church.
This programme will take us on a journey of faith until next Easter. We hope we can begin on Monday 7th June. Do you know anyone who has expressed such an interest? Are you interested yourself? Might there be somebody you could approach and welcome? Start thinking and praying!
When? Every Monday (expect half-term and holidays)
Where? Parish Meeting Room
Our Journey in Faith group supports adults as they seek to respond more deeply to God's call in their life and to enter into the Communion of the Catholic Church. We meet in a very informal setting and there is absolutely no pressure put on anyone to convert until they are fully ready and feel they have been prepared. We also welcome baptised Catholic adults wishing to be confirmed.
Interested in the Catholic Faith? Please come and speak to one of the priests before attending. You will find more information on the process of becoming a Catholic over here.
June 2021
Journey in Faith - Sadly, for the second year running, we have been unable to baptise or receive adults into the Catholic Church at the Easter Vigil. With restrictions beginning to lift we intend to begin a programme of enquiry and preparation for anyone interested in the Catholic Faith and those who may be seeking Baptism or reception into full communion with the Catholic Church.
This programme will take us on a journey of faith until next Easter. We hope we can begin on Monday 7th June. Do you know anyone who has expressed such an interest? Are you interested yourself? Might there be somebody you could approach and welcome? Start thinking and praying!
When? Every Monday (expect half-term and holidays)
Where? Parish Meeting Room