Opening remarks from Pope Benedict XVI Homily at Beatitification of Blessed John Henry Newman in 2010:
"This day that has brought us together here in Birmingham is a most auspicious one. In the first place, it is the Lord’s day, Sunday, the day when our Lord Jesus Christ rose from the dead and changed the course of human history for ever, offering new life and hope to all who live in darkness and in the shadow of death. That is why Christians all over the world come together on this day to give praise and thanks to God for the great marvels he has worked for us". This week the Bishops of England and Wales have met in person for the first time in 18 months to discuss what is called the Sunday obligation. Click here for the link to the outcome of their discussions. Below are a few of the main points released by the Bishops concerning Sunday Mass: - The Eucharist is the source and summit of our spiritual and pastoral life. - Here we receive Christ in his Word. Here we are nourished by Christ in his precious Body and Blood. This is our primary joy, for which there is no substitute, and from which we draw our strength. - The Sunday Eucharist is a gift. - When the Church speaks of the Sunday obligation, it reminds us that attending Mass is a personal response to the selfless offering of Christ’s love. - At this time, we recognise that for some people there may be certain factors which hinder attendance at Sunday Mass. The pandemic is clearly not over. The risk of infection is still present. For some, there is legitimate fear in gathering together. As your bishops, we recognise that these prevailing circumstances suggest that not everyone is yet in the position to fulfil the absolute duty to attend freely Sunday Mass. -We now encourage all Catholics to look again at the patterns which they have formed in recent months with regard to going to Mass on Sundays. This would include consideration and reflection about what we might do on Sundays, such as sports or shopping, or other leisure and social activities. This review, and the decisions which arise from it, fall to every Catholic and we trust this will be done with honesty, motivated by a real love for the Lord whom we encounter in the Mass. - The Sunday Mass is the very heartbeat of the Church and of our personal life of faith. We gather on the “first day of the week,” and devote ourselves to the apostles’ teaching and the fellowship, to the breaking of bread and the prayers (Acts 2:42) Canon Jonathan (11.11.21) at St Chad's Cathedral Please pray for our parish priest Fr Jonathan who on Thursday 11th November is installed as a Canon of the Cathedral Chapter of St Chad. It was announced on Easter 2021 that Fr Jonathan was appointed a canon and it wasn't until today that he could be ceremonially installed. The Livestream is available to watch from 12.15 pm and can be viewed again in the recordings tab. Click here for the link to the livestream Our parish has a litany of parish priests who were canons and Fr Jonathan officially today joins the ranks just like his predecessors Canon Gibbons, Canon Sullivan and Canon Browne. GalleryOur thanks to Con McHugh for taking these wonderful photographs: more pictures available here.
During this month we are encouraged to pray for the dead, the Holy Souls in Purgatory; at Mass in a special way, praying the rosary, making St Gertrude's morning offering prayer, writing names of your loved ones and friend for our November Dead List and visiting a cemetery to pray for the dead. These are among a few of the acts of devotion and works of mercy we carry out on behalf of those we have known and those we never knew who are in need of our prayers. May the souls of the faithful departed rest in peace and rise in glory. Amen. Blessing of Graves in NovemberSunday 7th, 2pm at Brandwood End
Saturday 13th, 3pm at Oscott College, Sunday 14th, 2pm at Widney Manor Cemetery, Sunday 21st Nov, 2pm at Robin Hood & Kings Norton Cemeteries. Sunday 28th, 2pm Yardley Cemetery. |
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